House to Home Organizing

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Tips for Furnishing Your First Home

Striking out on your own by moving into a new home is a rite of passage for many. Whether you’re moving into a new house, apartment, condo, or any of the other types of residences, you will need to decorate your new place to reflect your style. But it can be hard to know what to do with all your new space. Here are four tips for furnishing your first home that will transform your new place into your favorite space in no time.

A Fresh Coat of Paint

When starting any new project, it is best to begin with the basics: the walls and floors. Painting any walls or replacing any flooring will be much easier if you do it before you bring in any furniture or decor. Keep a list of any changes that you want to make to figure out what projects are higher on your priority list than others.

Where To Use Furniture

Just like real estate, furniture is all about location. The design style of your home will play a big part in where you put your furniture. While there are many reasons design is important, try to remember that function should always win the day.

Organization Is Key

Throughout the moving process, keeping your possessions organized might be the most important tip for furnishing your first home. Start your move by deciding what pieces of furniture you want to keep and what to get rid of. The less you have, the less you’ll need to keep track of. When you are unpacking, try to keep similar items together. Labeling boxes with the appropriate room, as well as specific contents, will help you find things when you are looking for them.

Prioritize Your Purchases

Decorating your home can quickly become expensive if you decide to purchase all the furniture at once. It’s more practical to spread out your purchases. Prioritize the rooms that get the most use, typically the living room and the bedroom.