Guest Post - How to clean a carpet by yourself
1. Start by vacuuming the carpet
Carpets should be vacuumed several times a week to remove dirt particles. In the case of a crawling baby or a toddler, it should be vacuumed daily for safety purposes. Detailed cleaning should be done at least two times a year. If it is done seasonally then it would be better. If any member of the family is or has been ill with a communicable disease or has a weak immune system then more frequent deep cleansing is necessary. The first step in carpet cleaning involves the removal of furniture from the room. Look around the room to pick up any objects such as kid's toys, tiny decorative items, or shoes. It is necessary to look under the sofa or any other furniture for such hidden items. These objects can disturb the vacuuming of the carpet. After that, start vacuuming the carpet to get rid of dust particles and pet hairs, so that if there are any carpet stains, they could be easily seen.
2. Check your cleaning solution
The main concern while cleaning a carpet is not to damage the dye or fiber during the process. Therefore, it is necessary to try out the cleaning solution or stain remover on small areas of the carpet. Apply a little amount of the solution to the area that you intend to clean. After applying the solution, wait for a while and then use a clean cloth or a white towel and press it onto the dirty spot. This will allow you to decide which solution to use to remove stains from the carpet. If the color of the dye is transferred on the cloth, then the solution can damage your rug. Otherwise, if no color is transferred onto the cloth, then it is safe for you to use the solution.
3. Removal of Stains
The best remedy for the removal of stains is to use tonic and soda water. Salt is also very useful for the removal of dirt or fresh stains. Baking soda is also used for this purpose as it absorbs nasty smells from the fibers of the carpet. Different remedies can be applied to different stains types and purposes.
A tacky stain from gum or wax can be removed by initially hardening the spot and then applying ice on it to clean the stain off.
Smelly stains are hard to remove. For this, you need to make a solution of vinegar and lukewarm water and then apply it to the affected area and wait for a while. Afterward, wash it with water.
Bloodstains are also tricky to handle and applying warm water will further set the stain. For this purpose use cold water or hydrogen peroxide. Take a cloth dip, it in hydrogen peroxide and apply it gently onto the stained area and then clean it.
One of the most common stains on a carpet is due to pet urine. It is better not to experiment much. The best remedy is to use an enzyme-based cleaner such as ammonia solution or vinegar depending on whether the stain is fresh or is already set in the carpet. Afterward, apply carpet detergent and rinse it with water.
4. Discoloration instead of rubbing the spill
There is often a tendency to rub the stain as hard as possible thinking that it will remove the stain. However, this practice will not only increase the time of removing it but also make the task at hand harder. The most effective and efficient way to remove a stain is by blotting the affected area and then cleansing it with water. Similarly, blot it again. Otherwise, it would cause damage to the fiber or the stain would be permanently stained into the fabric. Hot water should never be use and neither the stain should be rubbed. Fresh stains can be blotted with a cold, moist cloth immediately for removal of the stain.
5. Disinfectionate your carpet
The next step is to disinfectionate your carpet. It is as important as cleaning it. It is necessary because kids and pets often use it for playing and other purposes. It is best to get rid of bacteria and allergies along with the cleaning of the carpet and the process is either not time taking. However, carpets have a soft surface which is not easy to disinfectionate because of their size, structure, and uneven surface. The level of bacterial contamination can be reduced to a great extent. The best practice to disinfectionate a carpet is to use a solution that contains disinfectant approved by the U.S. Environmental protection agency. There is a registration number engrossed on the approved product. Normally the product recommended for this purpose is ammonium. Another common practice used for disinfectionting carpets is the use of vinegar and water. For this purpose prepare a mixture of vinegar along with water in equal parts. Apply the mixture on the carpet after the cleaning process. Another practice is to use laundry disinfectant like Lysol laundry sanitizer, pine oil, or chlorine bleach for this purpose. The process should be done once a week to get rid of unwanted germs.
6. Drying the carpet after cleansing
The last and most important part of carpet cleaning is to dry the carpet after washing it. A wet carpet can introduce various kinds of fungi and bacteria in the home. After cleaning the carpet try setting in the sunlight for a few hours so it can dry properly. If it is not possible to set the carpet in sun then try to ensure proper air circulation by leaving the doors and windows open for a while. If there is no option to left the windows open, then let the door remained opened with the air conditioner set on moderate cooling. For this purpose fans, blowers, dehumidifiers, air mover, dryers, or anything can be used. Normally it takes 24 hours to dry a carpet. However, a sheepskin rug takes a longer time to dry as compared to normal ones. If any of the above tools are used then it will hardly take 6 hours to dry a carpet.
Author Bio: Michael Espina is the Outreach Manager and Writer at Safe Hands Cleaning, a carpet cleaning company in Bolton.