Guest Post - The Fun Way to Declutter Your Home and Reduce Stress
A clutter-free home is a stress-free home. There is something rejuvenating about cleaning out full closets and junk drawers. Fortunately, you don’t have to be an expert to get that clean and organized home you’ve been desiring, and you can even have a good time throughout the process. Below, you will find some easy and fun methods to declutter and destress.
The Plan
The goal of decluttering and cleaning the entire home is admirable, but when it comes to execution, you need a solid game plan. Before you jump right in, take the time to make a list of all the areas in your home that need attention, and then rank them by priority. Don’t forget to also include spaces like the garage, attic, basement, and shed. Then, plan for what you will need. Some cleaning supplies you might consider are:
Trash bags
Various cleaning solutions
For each space you’re tidying, you will want to start small and then go big. The little accomplishments will give you the encouragement to tackle bigger tasks. As you go from space to space, try to keep the following six steps in mind:
Sort Again
Making It Fun
Don’t plan to clean and organize until you drop. It will take some time to accomplish all you are setting out to do, and you don’t want to rush through the sorting phases. Take some time to enjoy going through memory lane with each item. For items that are gently used but are no longer needed, donate them to organizations you are passionate about.
Plan for little rewards as you complete a task. For example:
For the bigger spaces that will take some time, reward yourself with dinner out, a nice walk in the park, or a movie.
Consider a sweet treat for the cleaning and tidying you’re not looking forward to.
Get your loved ones involved.
Clean while rocking out to your favorite songs.
Listen to an audiobook while you tidy.
The Art of Tidying
Decluttering does not mean becoming a minimalist, having bare rooms, and throwing away all your memories. The idea of tidying is to either donate or throw away what you don’t love or use and to keep and organize what you do love and use. Most of us are guilty of buying clothes we don’t wear and for letting that junk drawer pile up. Essentially, tidying resets your home and stops the cycle of accumulating unused and unloved items.
Stopping the Mess Before It Starts
Clutter begets clutter. If you let your belongings accumulate and disorganization take hold, it will only get worse the longer it remains undealt with. Once you declutter, work to establish a routine to keep the mess at bay. Make it a habit to put your clothes away right after you take them off, sort through your mail when you have the time, and throw away unneeded paper immediately. Also, donate any books you finish to your local library, and give away any clothes that you haven’t worn in a year. Furthermore, plan to spend about 20 minutes a day cleaning up.
You don’t have to be an expert organizer to have a tidy home. Establish a plan of action to achieve it room by room. Reward yourself when you accomplish little victories, and encourage yourself to keep going. Master the art of tidying just by purging what you don’t use and love, and keep yourself on track by tidying a little here and there every day. In no time, your home will become that stress-free oasis you desire.
Author Bio: Alice Robertson recently created Tidyhome as a place to share the great cleaning and organizing advice she has developed over the years. Alice loves helping others, and she knows having a clean, organized home can do wonders for stress and mental health.