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Guest Post - Less Is More: Guide For A Minimalistic Eco-friendly Home

Nowadays, there’s a lot of talk about climate change and the future of our planet. Different people propose different solutions, and a lot of them sound too difficult or drastic, so ordinary people can actually relate that much. But, turning your home into a minimalist and eco-friendly place can surely have a positive effect on a planet, while also bringing you peace of mind. First, you’d be less concerned with trivial things, and chances are, your home will look better and smell nicer. So, in order to show you how it works, here’s a mini-guide for a green and minimalistic home:

Try not to use house appliances that much

We live in an era where house appliances are considered a norm, so it’s only logical that some people use it whenever’s convenient, without realizing that using too many electrical appliances can increase one’s carbon footprint. Now, if you find this suggestion a bit hard, here’s a different perspective: there are efficient ways to use your house appliances. You actually don’t need to use your dishwasher all the time, instead, you can manually wash those couple of dishes you have left. The same can be said for any device in your home that requires to be plugged in and turned on. Therefore, turning off your appliances and devices when not using them is an excellent way to make your home more eco-friendly. 

Use rugs to conserve heat

Conserving heat can be a life-saving move, especially if you’re struggling to pay heating bills. Insulating your home, double-glazing your windows and using thick curtains are all very helpful (and eco-friendly) tips. But, there are other ways to make your home stay warm, such as using rugs to retain heat. This is great news since in that case, you can use a decor item for something that’s quite helpful and purposeful. Still, it’s important to choose quality and well-fitted rugs, such as rugs made from natural materials from Miss Amara, since they are elegant and environmentally-friendly at the same time. Conserving heat and being careful with your energy consumption is one of the simplest ways to turn your home into your little green refuge. 

Don’t forget to declutter your space

Keeping your home clean and free of any unnecessary stuff is the first step toward greener and cleaner living. You might be emotionally attached to some of your old things, but keep in mind that there are ways to keep them, only in a different place. Renting a storage unit for all unneeded things is a sure way to keep your home clutter-free and tidy. Additionally, using well-designed and elegant storage boxes can make your place look organized, which means you won’t have to spend hours looking for misplaced items. So, if you opt for label stickers, you can bring an extra layer of tidiness into your day-to-day life, which is always a great thing.

Value quality over quantity

Some people prefer to shop for new clothes every week, which isn’t surprising, considering that there are malls everywhere with attractive offers and good-looking stores. But, a lot of these low-end fast fashion has a negative impact on the planet, especially when it comes to plastic and textile waste. So, if you’re looking to go for a more eco-friendly lifestyle, then valuing quality over quantity is a great place to start. Instead of looking for cheap clothes that will get torn after a couple of washes, it’s better to pay a bit more for something that will last you for a long time. That way, you’re actually wearing something of higher quality without wasting your hard-earned money on cheap and low-grade clothes.

Change the way you use cleaning and cosmetic products

If you turn on your TV, you’ll see a lot of ads for various cleaning products, and the truth is, they’re all pretty much the same, except that we’re so programmed to buy them without even questioning our reasons. A lot of these products have quite toxic and harsh chemicals which also makes them dangerous, especially for kids. Instead of buying these overpriced cleaning products, you can actually make your own out of the ingredients that you probably own already. Using multipurpose DIY cleaning products can make your home safer and more eco-friendly. Also, using homemade body scrubs and face masks can make your skin look clear and radiant without requiring any harsh ingredients.

Less is more principle can be an excellent way to start your eco-friendly journey and transform your house. Getting rid of unwanted stuff, buying fewer, but more quality clothes and shoes and using homemade cleaning products will help you live a more balanced, and much greener lifestyle. 

Lana Hawkins is a young architect and a home décor blogger on Smooth Decorator. She enjoys writing about interior decoration and landscaping. Lana is interested in sustainability and green building, and that's where she gets most of her inspiration from.