Product Review - Mifold Booster Seat

Give Me A Boost

It is possible you may have already seen or heard of the Mifold booster seat. The crowd-funded innovation has certainly generated a lot of buzz. Many have noted that the seat is a game changer and when one realizes it is basically the first new child booster seat design in over fifty years you feel like agreeing. Inventor Jon Sumroy had an if you can’t bring the man to the mountain, bring the mountain to the man moment. When my wife first told me about the Mifold (and after I saw the size) I kept asking the same question about our oldest son’s height. Once she repeated the concept a few times it finally sunk in. Instead of raising the child up in typical booster seat fashion, the Mifold lowers the seat belt to the child (see here).

The Mifold’s greatest strength lies in its portability and if anyone has ever looked over in traffic to see a youngster not in a booster seat you start to really appreciate the feature. The Mifold earns the name by folding to the size of an Amazon Kindle for use in grandma's car, taxi or the new carpool dad’s impulse purchased Porsche. Once unfolded the lap and shoulder belt are slid down and fed through the base. It should be noted that the Mifold was a little difficult at first for my 7-year-old to figure out, but now he is an old pro. However, since he is now at a different non-raised angle in the car he mostly points out airborne things of interested which are mostly clouds.

Over the years, I have noticed many car seats and booster seats collect in the garage especially in large families who have a wide age gap among the kids. The Mifold certainly provides a nice alternative to the traditional phone book model booster seat. And as an Organizer I think you know how I feel about phone books.

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